Amicus Plato...


(written as is to avoid reading by some too emotional relatives of mine)

I have an uncle. A professor in one of engineering branches. In quite a decent age now, but still active. Running a small engineering company in Jerusalem, making some research, publishing papers. As a Russian saying goes, "very widely known in very narrow circles". We have never been in close terms, except for some sporadic bursts of communication, which occur once in a couple of years. During the current one we discussed some technical issues and quite of a sudden he sent me a file with his book for reading and reviewing. The book was not from his professional world. Rather it covered matters different and even standing very much apart from engineering.

To my great surprise, I found a lot of references on the Net, which can be googled up by a very amusing combination of words. :)

In my personal IMHO, the book was no breakthrough. Neither did it lack structure or logical problems. Had he not been my aged (and highly respected by me) uncle, in the review I would have been ground it to sub-molecular level. But he is. Dunno... Plato is my friend, but...


Аватар пользователя delibal

"... Людям, которых ты любишь, говорить "нет" нельзя, во всяком случае часто. В этом весь секрет. Когда же всё-таки приходится, то твоё "нет" должно прозвучать, как "да" или добейся, чтобы они сами сказали это "нет". ..." /Марио Пьюзо, "Крестный отец"/

Мудро сказано.


what exactly?

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